In this project with investigated design options for a wearable notification system for roadside workers. We looked into different modalities and form factors for alerts.
Myo Text
The goal of this project was to develop a hands free text input system using Natural User Interface ideas. We came up with a design which can be used for menu selection as well.
Interval Player
Interval player is a virtual music instrument that uses in air gestures to play notes and chords. This was an entry to the 2015 3DUI competition.
Wearable trekking assistant
The goal of this project was to develop an advanced assistant for trekking competitions. One of the requirements was to be able to estimate distances automatically from step counting on a variety of terrain conditions.
Multiple Viewpoint Parallel Rendering
Is it possible to render efficiently multiple viewpoints ? My master thesis I approached the issue by designing and evaluating a parallel image based architecture.
AVITS - Environments for Virtual Immersion using Simplified Technology
AIVITS was a project whose goal was to conceive and produce a VR system for use by architects. The final system would be inexpensive, use off the shelf technology, be easy to assemble and disassemble.
Improving Boid simulation with self-occlusion
What happens if we augment the classical boid model to consider visual occlusion between the boids ?